The "pixeling" of website visitors has changed the ENTIRE game when it comes to online marketing and getting the most from your existing website traffic.
But what the heck does "pixeling" your website audience mean? What is a "pixel"? Why would you use it... and why you MUST start building these pixeled audiences (on Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc.) so that you can LEVERAGE them, now or later.
These audiences are OWNED MEDIA and can be just as important as your email list. Watch this en-lighting video to learn how you can use pixels to explode your existing website and online marketing traffic.
No Website Leads? How to Diagnose Your Website Instantly! When someone asks, "Why don't I get more leads from my website?", one of the first things we ask is "How many visitors much traffic do you get to your website?". Amazingly, we learn that […]
The New Age of “Farming” Using Facebook Sending out mailers? Going door to door? Cold calling? These are very common traditional ways that are used by a lot of agents nowadays. However, things are changing. The methods that […]
Why Facebook Ads Don’t Work for Most People Who Try Them Have you tried Facebook ads in the past with no success? Or maybe you've thought about doing Facebook ads, but are hesitant, because you don't know what you're doing? The truth is, when […]
[VIDEO] The #1 Reason Most Fail and Few Succeed Online When it comes to marketing online, there is one reason most will fail and only few will succeed. This is something I consider the most important critical concept when it comes to […]